CIDIF is a creative idea dispatched by a group of famous CIOs and industry pioneers to accomplice India in contributing back to the country and fortifying India’s innovation establishment, so CIDIF comprises of 35 Executive & 2000+ CIOs, Government bodies & Veterans, OEMs, SI’s, Corporate, Skill development companies and Academia so that entire ecosystem can be benefited and contribute for India’s Mission and vision of making Digital India a reality. The plethora of skill sets available across country.
Realizing the criticality, India needs to generate employment as well as upgrading the skills of the growing workforce. We recognize the challenges that needs to be addressed. We work for the benefit of the underprivileged section of the society and we want the CIO’s of the country to come and join us to support our cause. Together we can fight in educating the specially abled and weaker section of the society in the IT- sector. Our vision and mission is to curve out the hidden talent pool while at the same time educating the weaker section of the society- the children and the women specially and specially abled in the IT- sector, for a better future.
We want the CIO’s to contribute their knowledge, experience and work with the talent pool and prepare them with the right talent to deliver results. The skillsets accessible with the body implies not only the technical skills but also other specialized skills to make the talent pool more employable.