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In a country which is so geographically vast as India and diverse , education infrastructure in its traditional form is fraught with challenges .  Neither the traditional methodology nor the curriculum is able to address the skill and information requirements of the new generation . With our economy becoming more global by each passing day , the neccesity to have access to a better learning mechanism is need of the hour.

E-Learning provides us with the necessary solution to this growing concern . With an e-learning solution, on one hand imparting knowledge becomes less classroom driven, and more interactive and immersive with live projects and video based learning on the other hand it also opens up the opportunity to access global resources, by providing access to huge amount of data and research already shared by eminent scholar’sworldwide.

Not just for existing students but also for working professionals , el earnng offers an opportunity to continually upgrade their skill sets , by learning  even while being on the move. This provides an opportunity to remain employable in a very dynamic market scenario.

The CIO digital foundation is working towards creating a curriculum in association with various industry bodies that it works with, so that our programs can not only address the current skill gap but also provide for future demand and align the education with the industry demand. Theirs is no, looking backwards by the specially abled, weaker section of the society towards- the women and the children, getting IT- education and becoming independent for a better future.